A Tribute to Gerald Gurney

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A Tribute to Gerald Gurney

The Drake Group is saddened to report that Dr. Gerald Gurney, who served The Drake Group as its President from 2014 to 2016 and as a member of its Board of Directors for twelve years, passed away on February 23, 2022. We extend our deepest sympathies to his wife, Debra Stuart, and daughter Rachel.

In December of 2021, The Drake Group Service Award, established to recognize a member of The Drake Group “whose service and actions upholding and advancing the mission of the organization have been above and beyond expectations,” was renamed the Gerald Gurney Service Award, in his honor, and the award was bestowed upon Dr. Gurney as its first recipient.


WATCH DR. GURNEY TESTIFY BEFORE CONGRESS – “How Colleges Cheat Student-Athletes