WEBINAR #3 – FOLLOW-UP QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS The Silent Struggle: Experts Speak on College Athletes Mental Health (September 30, 2021)

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The Drake Group Strongly Supports “College Athletes Bill of Rights” Introduced in the 117th Congress

On August 3, 2022, U.S. Senators Cory Booker, Richard Blumenthal, Brian Schatz, Ron Wyden, and Alex Padilla re-introduced the “College Athletes Bill of Rights” legislation aimed at advancing justice and opportunity for college athletes. “The College Athletes Bill of Rights bill is long overdue and extremely important,” said Andrew Zimbalist, President of The Drake Group. “It protects college athletes’ rights … Read more

College Athlete Health and Protection from Physical and Psychological Harm

The Drake Group has released a position statement today that proposes an educational alternative to “athlete employees.” Drake Group President Gerald Gurney, stated, “Intercollegiate athletics is at a crossroads on the issue of paying college athletes. Should collegiate athletics be a mini-version of the NFL and NBA? See Drake’s Position Statement for a viable alternative.

Need for National Collegiate Athletic Governance Organization Rules Related to Athlete Sexual Misconduct and Other Physical Violence

Given the new Title IX sexual harassment regulations issued in May 2020, The Drake Group updated its 2016 position statement. Current issues related to college athlete sexual misconduct and other forms of violence were examined, demonstrating that, other than the U.S. Office of Civil Rights rules that have general applicability to institutions, no uniform approach … Read more

Excessive Athletics Time Demands Undermine College Athletes’ Health and Education and Require Immediate Reform

There is probably no more significant roadblock for college athletes seeking meaningful educations than the unreasonable amounts of time they must engage in practice and other athletics-related activities. In every NCAA and conference survey and through numerous research studies, athletes have made their concerns and needs concerning time spent on their sports known. Excessive athletics … Read more

Football’s dangerous – and for what?

A study found football players who had never suffered a concussion performed worse on basic memory tests as the season progressed. This newly discovered category of cognitive impairment presents a dilemma because the finding suggests athletes may suffer a form of brain injury that is difficult to diagnose and consequently could keep on playing even … Read more

Caveat Emptor and Prospective College Athletes

Absent federal and/or state, Bills of Rights for prospective college athletes, Truth in Recruiting legislation, or NCAA Transparency and Accountability Acts, unwitting recruits face quadruple jeopardy, i. e., double-double jeopardy, when they buy into the recruitment packages proffered by NCAA member colleges and universities. This exploitation is especially hard on the academically disadvantaged. How might this be? … Read more