The Big Five Power Grab: The Real Threat to College Sports

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Drake Group Questions NCAA Division I Governance Restructure

During the summer of 2014, the NCAA considered a proposal to give the five richest conferences (Atlantic Coast Conference, Big Ten, Big 12, Pac-12, and Southeastern Conference) within the Football Bowl Subdivision of Division I legislative autonomy.  In response, the Drake Group, a national organization of college faculty and others released a position statement that … Read more

Collegiate Athletics Reform: A Call for Federal Intervention

The American public’s seemingly unbounded love of college sports entertainment at any cost can be readily exploited by skilled marketing professionals to the long-term detriment of the integrity and health of higher education in America.  The incremental cost of such exploitation to build an ever bigger college sports entertainment enterprise amounts to the cost of … Read more

Collegiate Athletics Reform: Trilogy III

It is my view that the probability of an academic body emerging to rein in the runaway college sports entertainment industry is extremely low. Academic officials will most likely avoid taking on the powerful NCAA cartel and their governing boards so will continue to deal with related problems by looking the other way—muddling through will … Read more

“Academically Adrift” in a Sea of Sports and Mediocrity

At many state universities and more than a few private ones, head football and basketball coaches earn millions and their assistants hundreds of thousands for running semiprofessional teams. Few of these teams earn much money for the universities that sponsor them, and some brutally exploit their players. »Read more

Collegiate Athletics Reform: Trilogy IV

Most likely the public is unaware of its sports-entertainment induced coma that effectively inhibit critical thinking and discussion of issues. There will be no complaint from government officials. From a political point of view it is much better to have the public discuss football and basketball games than it is to have it troubling these officials … Read more

College Sports Reform: It’s Time to Expose the Big Lie

Stripping the NCAA cartel (the NCAA and its member colleges and universities) of its tax-exempt status by the Congress would certainly help limit the seemingly uncontrolled growth of professionalized big-time college sports entertainment by putting a break on what appears to be a runaway financial train. However, this stripping would require a great deal of … Read more